Wednesday, March 11, 2015

~Li Hongbo~

Doll, 2012

Ear, 2013

You Reap What You Sow, 2014

Little Man and Woman, 2011

Wasteland, 2014

Sculptures from
Information from

Li Hongbo is of Chinese descent and was born in 1974. He used to be a book editor and designer in the past. His sculptures are all made out of paper, but they look solid. However, if you tug on them- the paper unravels like an accordion. A metaphor I created for this is that even that which appears solid- is still fragile. The medium he uses is to accentuate "the difference between restriction and freedom." I personally think he does this very well. When I look at Doll, I'm annoyed with how structured and proper it seems, but knowing how fluid his art can be if interacted with, makes my prior feelings subside. I really was attracted to Ear because recently I've been having trouble with people listening and I thought since listening is something I find important I'm going to choose it as one of my pieces. I chose Wasteland and You Reap What You Sow because they seemed so powerful and edgy. I liked the feeling of danger the knives brought to the art but I especially liked that in You Reap What You Sow, something was made out of the metal. Objects we see as weapons don't necessarily need to be used as such.

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